Web Wish 5: Overflow Contribution

Have you ever had a scrollbar appear unexpectedly? Perhaps a rogue horizontal scrollbar on the page?

I often find myself hunting for the element that causes the scrollable overflow area to grow – the cause of the rogue scrollbar. Normally I can solve the issue by adding overflow: clip to a parent element.

Unfortunately, that's not always possible. You might not want to clip the element to the parent elements bounds. Additionally, adding overflow: clip forces transform-style: flat, which can wreak havoc if the elements are part of a 3d rendering context.

Imagine being able to set a CSS property like overflow-contribution: none to exclude elements from contributing to the overflow area?

The CSSWG has resolved to adopt this feature, but it still needs to a formal specification.

This holiday season, I'm hoping for implementer interest in a CSS property that prevent elements from contributing to scrollable overflow.

Relevant issues and PRs: