Web Wish 18: Sticky Next

Sticky positioning lets you “stick” an element to a position relative to the scroll-port, instead of scrolling it out of the screen.

It's awesome.

But o, so limiting.

The element will only be “stuck” as far as is possible while staying within its containing block, which is the nearest block-level container. It would be great if we could choose a different containing block.

It's not really possible to configure how far inside that containing it should stay sticky. Or, it is, but the CSS working group has resolved to remove that option. It would be awesome if it was possible to configure the insets from the containing block, and not just the insets from the scroll-port.

It would also be awesome if we could let sticky elements stack against each other.

So, this year I'm hoping the CSS working group and browser implementors can start looking into how we can make sticky positioning even better.

Relevant issues and PRs:

[css-position] Meta-issue: Unresolved sticky positioning use cases